Selasa, 21 September 2021



Hello bestie, and welcome back to my blog. Today, we'll add some new material, especially news item. For more information, see the following conversation.

🐙Purpose and Definition 

If you've ever read a newspaper, you'll be familiar with the form of English writing known as news item text. 

A news item text, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a writing that educates readers about current events. If you want to learn to be a good journalist, you should learn how to write news items in English. 

The reader is informed about happenings that are regarded significant and worthy of being reported on. An incident that is unimportant or does not deserve to be widely publicized should not be reported. This sort of text's communication goal is to inform readers, listeners, or viewers.

🐙Characteristics of Structure and Language 

The linguistic structure of news item text is divided into three parts: 

1. Participate in activities. 

This section is often known as "breaking news." This is the portion that tells or contains information about the main event or occurrence, usually in the form of a summary 

2. Events in the background 

This section, sometimes known as Elaboration, describes the backdrop of the event or occurrence, including who was involved and where the incident occurred.

3. The source 

The source, which includes comments, witnesses to events, expert opinions, and other information about the events or events recorded, is the final section. 

There are linguistic qualities in each genre of text in English that distinguish it from others. The most noticeable feature of news item text its short and sweet language. Other text news item include the following language characteristics: 

~ The headline contains only a few words of information. 
~ Concentrate on a certain incident. 
~ Saying verbs, such as reported, quoted, spoke, preached, and so on, are used by the dominant. 
~ Use action verbs, which are verbs that show activity, as much as possible. 
~ Use auxiliary verbs to show time and place frequently.

For more details, you can play the YouTube video below

To deepen the material, my teacher gave an assignment about Explanation Text

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