Jumat, 24 September 2021



I'll present some samples of news items at the second meeting of news items. Please read the following information.

ROCHESTER, Minn., Dec. 16 (UPI) — A Minnesota bank robber interrupted a news broadcast about his own crime when he returned to the scene Tuesday.
Video shows KIMT News reporter Adam Sallet reporting on a series of robberies from outside Sterling State bank in Rochester as an employee runs out and points to the robber off camera.
“This is live TV folks,” Sallet said before stepping away from the broadcast to call police.
The feed then cut back to the news anchor who assured the audience that the event was not planned.
Sallet tweeted later in the day that the suspect had been caught.

Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered  up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

George Clooney has signed on to direct and star in “Good Morning, Midnight” for Netflix. It will be his first project with the streaming service.

Clooney and Smokehouse Pictures’ Grant Heslov will produce the adaptation of Lily Brooks-Dalton’s novel, “which follows a lonely scientist in the Arctic, as he races to make contact with the crew of a spacecraft as they try to return home to Earth,” according to a description from Netflix.

“Grant and I couldn’t be more excited to be involved with this incredible project,” Clooney told Variety. “Mark is a writer we’ve long admired and his script is haunting. We’re thrilled to be working with our friends at Netflix as well.”

The story is a sci-fi thriller, and was named one of the best books of 2017 by the Chicago Review of Books. Clooney will play the lead scientist. Scott Stuber, head of Netflix’s film division, said: “Having known and worked with George for over two decades, I can’t think of anyone better to bring this amazing story to life. The book is powerful and moving, and Mark’s adaptation is beautifully written. At its core, this is a story about human nature, and one that I know our global audiences will fall in love with, just like I did when I read it.”

Clooney recently executive produced, appeared in, and directed a few episodes of Hulu’s “Catch-22.” The film, which does not yet have a title, will begin production in October.

Selasa, 21 September 2021



Hello bestie, and welcome back to my blog. Today, we'll add some new material, especially news item. For more information, see the following conversation.

Selasa, 14 September 2021




Good morning dear, Today is the last day of Explanation Text material. And these are all conclusions from the material. Read and understand okay

Selasa, 07 September 2021




Good morning dear, back again on my blog. Today we will continue the Explanation Text material. Check out the following explanation. In this part II, I will give some examples of Explanation Text.

General Statement

We all know that tsunamis are a series of destructive waves and powerful. Tsunami is the deadliest wave because the wave speed is incredibly fast. But do you know how a tsunami can happens?


Tsunami originated from Japan, “tsu” meaning harbor and “nami” meaning wave. They are normally caused by landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions in, or close to an ocean. After some sort of underwater disturbance, this causes energy to rise up to sea level pushing the water high into the air. Gravity kicks in and pulls it down again and then consequently causing the water to filter out into many different directions.

When a tsunami begins to approach the shore the energy in the wave is compressed. As a result, the water is pushed up into the wave, resulting in a powerful tsunami. If the trough hits the shoreline first, it then causes the tide to drastically retreat.


So, tsunamis happen because of natural disasters such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. People who live near the shoreline have to be careful because they are threatened by tsunamis whenever there is an earthquake.

Why Eiffel Tower Was Built

If we talk about the Wonders of the World buildings, then we will see Eiffel Tower as one of them. However many of us do not know the tower’s past history on why it was build. Everything has the reasonable background, especially for the tower which is to be one of the most recognized buildings in the world.

Primarily, the Eiffel Tower was built for the World Exhibition. It was called Paris Exposition in 1889. The exhibition was organized to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The purpose of building Eiffel Tower in such structure was to show to the world France’s advancement of technology and beauty. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel. It seemed that then the name of the tower was derived from the designer’s last name, “Eiffel”.

Another reason on why the tower was built was for scientific progress. Although few realized it, the Eiffel Tower would become the prominent structure in terms of science and technology. Many experiment with temperature, pressure and pendulums were performed atop the unique famous building. Additionally the Eiffel Tower was used for radio transmission tower. Many experiments were conducted atop the Eiffel Tower for radio transmission advancement. Once the Eiffel Tower was proposed to be demolished but it was spared because the tower had the promising future as a radio tower.

Mammatus Clouds

Mammatus comes from the Latin mamma which translates to “udder” or “breast”. Their striking appearance is most visible when the sun is low in the sky and their pouches are framed by the sunlight. This supplementary feature is a firm favourite with many meteorologists as well as cloud and photography enthusiasts.

Mammatus clouds are some of the most unusual and distinctive clouds formations with a series of bulges or pouches emerging from the base of a cloud. The shape of mammatus formations can vary widely; from the classic protruding shape, to a more elongated tube hanging from the cloud above.

Mammatus clouds are usually formed in association with large cumulonimbus clouds. Typically, turbulence within the cumulonimbus cloud will cause mammatus to form, especially on the underside of the projecting anvil as it rapidly descends to lower levels. This reverses the usual cloud-forming process of upward growth, making for an uneven cloud base.

Mammatus often forms in association with Cumulonimbus clouds, which in turn bring thunderstorms due to their huge mass of unstable air. Mammatus cloud generally form in the most unstable cumulonimbus, meaning that there is also a chance of hail, heavy rain and lightning in the vicinity, and if the air is cold enough during winter they can produce snow. Sometimes mammatus may form on other cloud types which produce no rain, though this is far less common.

Mammatus usually form on the base of a cumulonimbus anvil, but they have also been sighted to form on other cloud types, such as stratocumulus, altostratus and altocumulus. Mammatus have also been observed to form on the underside of volcanic ash clouds.

To deepen the material, my teacher gave an assignment about Explanation Text

Exercise D & E (hal 20-21)




Good morning back again with me. At this meeting we will discuss new material, namely Explanation Text Part 1. Understand the following explanation, okay?